Sunday October 23, 2011, 7-10pm
549 Columbus Ave. Boston, MA 02118
Click here to visit the Feast Homepage.
If you haven't got your name on our guest list yet email us at: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
It is a block and a half off Mass Ave easily accesible by the #1 bus and Mass Ave T stop. Everyone pays at the door, 10 dollars or whatever you'd like to contribute toward the grant.
We have 5 excellent proposals on the table for Feast Mass #5. However, if you have an idea that you haven't submitted yet, you still have a chance; we've pushed back the proposal deadline to this Thursday. The expected first-place grant will be $500–600, and the second-place grant, $200–250 (that's 2 chances!), so take a minute and answer the three simple questions in our "Submit A Proposal" section.
Feast Mass is a recurring dinner party in Boston. During the night, people present proposals for creative, community-based projects that need funding. Everyone votes, and the winner receives a grant funded entirely from the night's ticket sales.