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ARTISTS IN CONTEXT is a flexible organizational framework designed to assemble artists and other creative thinkers across disciplines to conceptualize new ways of representing and acting upon the critical issues of our time.  The Prospectus is the main project of Artists in Context, and is a curated, multimedia collection of works through which artists collaborate with creative thinkers from other fields to propose innovative ways they and others might intervene in major debates on global, national and local/regional scales. More information on the project can be found on the current Prospectus site. Artists in Context is a project of The Arts Company.

This website is an archive of previous AIC activities.

Click here to link to the current AIC website.

Daniel Peltz


peltz unrealized gain loss

Conference Room, Providence, RI, site of Investors’ Drum Circle workshop, 1-14-13. Photo: Shirin Adhami


Daniel’s Prospectus contribution, Unrealized Gain/Loss, comes out of a cross-cultural exploration of notions of retirement and pension systems.


About the project he writes:

“In a spiritual society, one spends this life preparing for the afterlife; in a secular society, one spends this life preparing for the after-work life. But how do we insure our well being in the after-work life? What to do with all this unrealized gain and loss?


sarongs extracted from word doc


“The pair of sarongs in the image above was produced through an intensive collaboration with my TIAA-CREF retirement portfolio during a residency in Indonesia. Composed of a symbolic system derived from charts documenting the performance of my assets and allocations, each motif that makes up these cloths is a modification of an existing one in Indonesian batik design. The sarong pair is accompanied by a set of porcelain Unrealized Gain/Loss vessels for use in the making of after-work life offerings. “The success of these methods of connecting with my retirement portfolio led to the development of a series of human resources workshops for investment professionals. The workshops used percussive techniques to help employees of a Rhode Island based wealth management company to connect to the experience of gain and loss within their portfolios. The triptych video, a client of the firm, offers a glimpse into this process.


a client of the firm triptych


Unrealized Gain/Loss will culminate in Spring 2013 with the launch of a new public performance form, a quarterly investors’ drum circle, that will invite citizen investors to use publicly displayed market data to respond to fluctuations in their after-work life prospects. More information about these drum circles will be posted here shortly.